Google Translate Serbian Tool - Should Human Translators Be Worried?

Google Translate Serbian Tool - Should Human Translators Be Worried?

"Machine translation". The translators were shocked to hear this! It's disgusting, partly due to the belief that a computer can not replace a superhuman translator (like us!), Partly because we fear it will not happen! That is why we strongly reject machine translation, or we choose this topic carefully and, for example, hope that our customers will not be disappointed with the free Serbian-English-Serbian translation tool made available for free by Google Almighty. Gone (link below)!

The Google Translate tool, which now provides automatic translation into English for Serbian websites and blocks attached with a Serbian text copy (see the Google English-Serbian translation tool in this article). I will not discuss what is behind it, as bad as it is now)!

Instead of pretending that we do not exist, we think it is better to highlight this topic and examine its effects on translation companies and clients in the general translation industry. This is the first to have a series of articles that look at automatic translation and tools in terms of Serbian-English translation and overall translation. In this article we will take a brief look at Google's Serbian and English automatic translation quality and explain why we do not think translators and translation companies working for these Serbian and English people should be more concerned about their current health. Is required.

Example of English translation for Serbian English

Let’s start with a small experiment. We have taken a portion of the Serbian text article (taken from the Serbian Wikipedia article) and pasted it into the Google Serbian-English translation tool.

You can learn a personal translation from Serbian to English like this:

Translation memory consists of translating text fragments into one source language and one or more target languages. These parts can be paragraphs, paragraphs, sentences or phrases. Individual words are not governed by translation memories, they are governed by the basics of words. Studies show that many companies that use multilingual texts use memory-based translation systems.

In seconds, Google Translate released the following translations into English:

Translation memory consists of parts of text in the original language and translated into one or more target languages. These parts can be paragraphs, paragraphs, sentences or phrases. Individual words are not in the translation memory area, but are related to terminology data. Research has shown that many companies have multilingual text systems used to translate memory.

Do you understand Except for a few issues with the translator who saw the display / display with an unknown name, you can definitely do it! This is definitely better than the Serbian-English translation tool we have tried before. If you look at what the old fashioned machine translation (incognito) does in this section, you can see how good Google Translate is?

How To Use Google Maps Online On Android

Google Maps is one of the most popular and popular apps out there, but not without its flaws. One of the biggest complaints is that it works well with a reliable data connection that we never have when we are out of town. Thankfully, Google Maps can be used offline, but this feature does not work because it does not have a specific process. When your phone reads "No service", Google Maps suddenly appears. That is, if you do not save your maps via offline access. However, after reading today's article "How to use Google Maps offline", you can save large map locations for guidance, even if you are stuck without approval.

The process is similar on iOS and Android. Before we get into the process, go to the App Store on your iOS device or the Google Play Store on your Android device and check for available Google Maps updates. The methods described in this article apply to updated versions of Google Maps.

After making sure you have the latest version, launch Google Maps on your device and search for the location you want to save for offline access.

Google Maps displays your location and name at the bottom of the screen. Before you can use Google Maps offline you need to download the location you like. When we say that things should be done “at work”, that is our intention. The location of the map must be downloaded before leaving the security of your city's secure connection.

Make sure you follow the size limit warning at the top of the screen and you're tasked with preparing the saved area by panning and zooming. There is already a lot of information when you download everything in and around the two cities. Be prepared to sacrifice more storage space for your maps. It can take up to 1GB depending on the location. Additionally, you will find titles for local weather, photos, hotels, shops, restaurants and travel options. You will receive a shipping rate from that location based on your current location.

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